اسئلة اختبار Traveller 2 مقررات

اسئلة اختبار Traveller 2 مقررات
1) Guided Composition Write a paragraph of not less than 70 words about
“Your daily life activities” You can use the following words: (get up-pray-breakfast -school-study-subjects-play-back home-lunch-homework- watch TV-go shopping)
“Your daily life activities”
اسئلة اختبار Traveller 2 مقررات
Composition Write on one of the following topics: | 1) “A day you will never forget”
2) “The importance of learning English” Note: Your writing shouldn’t be less than 50 words.
7. The Masmak Fort wasn’t built by King Abdulaziz. 8. It was only used as a palace. 9. The Diwan is “the king’s bedroom”. 10. It is free to enter the museum.