بنك الاسئلة انجليزي full blast4

اسئلة اختبار انجليزي full blast4
The library opens at 10:00 A.M. tomorrow ( )
(A) . (B) , (C) ! (D) ?
2. Did Randall finish the Stephen King mystery ( )
(A) . (B) , (C) ! (D) ?
3. Many movies are based on King’s books ( )
(A) . (B) , (C) ! (D) ?
4. I missed seeing the latest one when it was in theaters ( )
(A) . (B) , (C) ! (D) ?
5. Hector’s mother is a painter ( ) she told him about Grandma Moses.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
Anna Mary Robertson Moses began painting in the 1930s( ) she was in her
late seventies.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
You won’t see her full name on her paintings ( ) instead, you’ll see the
name Grandma Moses.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
8. Some people like folk art ( ) others like abstract art.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
Chapter 15: Punctuation
9. ( ) Did you enjoy your dinner? ( ) asked Mrs. Colby.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
( ) What is that ahead? ( ) asked Clive. 10.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
11. ( ) How can we sail if the sea gets rough? ( ) Mrs. Colby asked.
(A) “ (B) : (C) , (D) ;
12. Where is. The correct contraction is:
(A) Where’s (B) Where’is (C) Where’i (D) Wheres
13. We are. The correct contraction is:
(A) We’re (B) We’are (C) We’r (D) We’e
14. They will. The correct contraction is:
(A) They’ll (B) They’will (C) They’wi (D) They’l
Chapter 16: Spelling
15. re + wind. The correct spelled word using prefix: