Mega Goal 2 Workbook

Mega Goal 2 Workbook unit 12
Match the sentence parts.
1. He was so sick a. we had to wait in line for an hour.
2. The food was so good b. I wanted to shake hands with everyone.
3. There were so few people c. we almost didn’t make our flight.
4. We had so little time d. we all sat in the front row at the conference.
5. They were so busy e. we had to cover our ears.
6. The noise was so loud f. I ate too much.
UNIT 1 You’ve Got Mail
UNIT 2 Wishful Thinking
UNIT 3 Complaints, Complaints
UNIT 4 I Wonder What Happened
UNIT 5 If It Hadn’t Happened
UNIT 6 What They Said
Match the sentence parts.
1. He was so sick a. we had to wait in line for an hour.
2. The food was so good b. I wanted to shake hands with everyone.
3. There were so few people c. we almost didn’t make our flight.
4. We had so little time d. we all sat in the front row at the conference.
5. They were so busy e. we had to cover our ears.
6. The noise was so loud f. I ate too much.
7. She was so tired g. he didn’t go to work.
8. I was so happy h. she fell asleep on the bus.

  1. ملاحظة

    ترا الي يقولو مو نفسه هذا بدايته في كتابنا صفحه ٩٧
    والي قبل في رقم واحد الي هو Mega Goal1 workbook
    وان شاء الله اكون افدكم دعواتكم 🙏

  2. .

    يعني مو ناوين تجددون شوي!!!! ع الاقل اهتمام! مو لذي الدرجة تعطون الناس اجوبة عشان تذاكرها وهي الاجوبة شي ثاني! الله يهديكم بس والله حركة مالها داعي

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