Match the responses to the situations. Then practice the conversations with a partner.
a. No, I’m Luke Robbins. d. Fine, thanks.
b. That’s all right. e. You’re welcome.
c. Nice to meet you. f. William. But my friends call me Bill.
Role-play with a partner. Imagine you are on a trip.
Answer the questions for an immigration officer.
1. What’s the purpose of your trip?
2. How long are you staying?
3. What’s your address in this country?
4. Do you have any family here?
5. What’s their address?
حل منهج Super Goal 3 ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول
Vocabulary. Put food words on the menu into the
following categories:
meat, seafood, vegetables, fruits, dessert.
B. Comprehension. Answer about the menu and photos.
1. What’s the name of the restaurant on the menu?
2. Is there any ethnic food on the menu? What?
3. Do any dishes come with French fries?
4. What take-out food does the man want?
5. Does the restaurant have any cheesecake?
B Write the questions and answers. There may be more than one answer
C What are the actors doing? Use short answers. For no answers, write correct statements.
D Find the mistake in each sentence. Then rewrite each sentence correctly.
Write about what people are doing now.
Answer the questions.
1. What are you doing now?
2. What are your classmates doing?
3. What do you think your family
members are doing?
حل كتاب الانجليزي Super Goal 3 ثاني متوسط الفصل الاول
Unit 1 Are You Here on Vacation
Unit 2 What Are They Making
Unit 3 Who’s Who
Unit 4 Favorite Pastimes
Unit 5 is There Any ice Cream ?
Unit 6 What Was it Like ?
Unit 7 What Happened
Unit 8 What’s Wrong
Punctuations are special marks that you add to your writing to separate phrases and sentences , to show that something is a question , quote , etc.
There are many punctuation marks, and here, I am going –by Allah’s willing – to explain them. So, here we go:
في حق الترم الثالث موجود
اريد انكليزي صف الثاني متوسط منهج جديد
بكره في اختبار وانا اتابع مباراة المغرب 🇲🇦 و اسبانيا 🇪🇸
مبروك Morocco
الله شو هاد الحل تراكم زودتوها خلوها فقرتين أو تلات أما اكتر بيتعب الطالبه🥺🥺😳💔
للي يقلون ليه مافيه ملخصات لاختبار الانجليزي ليش تسألون حلول روحي اسألي اسذتاك
حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو حلو